Saturday, February 2, 2008

Groundhog Day

I came across a rather interesting article in our city’s newspaper. What caught my eye was the title of the piece. It read: Celebrate Groundhog’s Day by changing your wiper blades. In the first place, what kind of nut celebrates groundhog day? Do they rush out and purchase some party hats to go with the booze? Do you think America really needs another reason to get blitzed? Isn’t the Super Bowl enough? And what does Groundhog Day have to do with wiper blades? Should something click in the average person’s mind that would connect the two items? If that were the case, they’d also remember to clean the attic on Memorial Day? Or write a short story on Thanksgiving? The fact is, when I think of wiper blades I never think of groundhogs. But then I don’t need another reason to celebrate. Every day on this earth should be cause for celebration, groundhogs or not.

1 comment:

Sara said...

I think that the wiper blade company funded a considerable donation to your local newspaper... .;