Monday, March 31, 2008

Chickens And Foxes

Isn't it a comfort to know that the Federal Reserve is going to be the head watchdog of the financial markets? That's like sending in an Air Force pilot to find out who dropped a bomb on Nagasaki. It's the feds who are mostly to blame for the financial market tanking in the first place. First they lowered interest rates to the level where any greedy person in the real estate game made out like a bandit and then they balked at raising the rate when cracks began appearing. Who the hell do they think they are kidding? I guess now they want to oversee the destruction to make sure that their rich buddies get out before the collapse. Can't anyone be honest enough to say that America is dead broke? The American bank is empty so now the thieves have created a global economy to make it easier to raid the coffers of other countries around the globe. What a racket!!! One question left in this whole mess is: Where the hell is all that gold we once had stored in Fort Knox, huh? Maybe someone should start asking.

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