Monday, December 31, 2007

Gardening Background

I have been an organic gardener for about forty years. It made sense to me to give back to the earth what I take out of it. Through the years my wife and I have moved several times. I started my current garden four years ago. The main garden is 40 by 40 and includes both vegetables and herbs. I have another plot of ground that I call my annex. The annex contains flowers, shrubs, and excess vegetable plants that I don't have room for in the main garden. Last year I replaced my strawberry bed by rearranging it into three separate beds, one for more herbs, one for strictly salad fixings, and the third with just strawberries. Each year I like to try different plants. For 2008 I plan on trying some artichokes and parsnips. For the past three years I have been working the soil. About 75% of the garden has been double-dug. By using the French Intensive method I have increased the amount of veggies I've harvested from the garden each year. The first couple of years I put in a cover crop, but last year I just let the soil rest over the winter. If anyone has any gardening questions please drop me a line and I will try to answer them. I'm writing this post the morning before the new year arrives. Good luck with your New Year's resolutions.

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