Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Couple of Positive Items

Two articles that I came across in the media this week caught my attention. Yesterday I read where California's largest utility, PG&E, is striving to save all its customers energy. On the surface that sounds rather oxymoronic. Utilities saving energy? Well, what happens is the Golden State will reward the utility with a large bonus if PG&E can cut the amount of energy their customers use. If they fail in their attempt they have to pay the state a huge penalty. What PG&E is doing is giving out free energy-saving lightbulbs in hopes that Californians will switch from their old incandescent ones to the fluorescent type. I hope they succeed. I'll be pulling for them.
The second item that caught my eye was that India's Tata Motors, the fifth largest automaker in the world, has unveiled a car that gets 50 miles to the gallon and costs only $2,500. It exceeds current and future European emission standards so it's enviromentally friendly. Right now the auto isn't available in the states. I wish it were because I would buy one. The vehicle doesn't have air conditioning or push button windows but who cares? As long as it goes from point A to point B safely. Other foreign automakers are following suite. Now if we can get Detroit to build something like this perhaps we can all inhale cleaner air. Hey, every little bit helps.

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