Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Best New Year's Resolution

The population of human beings on the surface of the earth has reached 6.6 billion. Those 6.6 billion include you and I and we are destroying the earth's natural resources at an unsustainable rate. Forget about global warming because if Homo Sapiens continue to destroy the only nest we have, we will need two more earths to sustain the next generation. Alarming? Certainly.
I know I can't stop the rate of destruction by myself but together we can help stem the tide. For a New Year's resolution I promise to plant a tree in 2008.
Trees are disappearing around the globe at an alarming rate. Forests are a part of our planet's ecosystem. We must change our perspective about trees. They are not merely commodities. Instead we must look at them as breathing devices, assets that keep human beings alive. Without trees we all die. They take in carbon dioxide and emit oxygen. That oxygen is what we inhale to stay alive. How much sense would it be to destroy that critical resource? But that's exactly what we are doing. Beside the destruction of the Amazonian rain forest, half of Canada's forests have been cut down. In Asia, only ten percent of Russia's virgin timber remain, and the Chinese economy is using so much lumber that they now have to import wood from other countries, countries that have precious little for their own population.
Planting a tree makes sense. And why not make it a fruit tree when you do? Planting a fruit tree will not only provide a household with extra oxygen, but it will provide an excellent source of healthy vitamins and other nutrients for one's body. How can you lose? You can't.

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