Saturday, January 5, 2008


The philosopher Hegel said, "Truth is found neither in the thesis nor the antithesis, but in an emergent synthesis, which reconciles the two." A wise person will try to maintain a dynamic balance in life, neither pursuing too much nor too little pleasure. Of course too much or too little pain is also not advised. But sometimes you just can't help becoming squished between the proverbial rocks and hard places in life. John Denver sang it best: Some days are diamonds, some days are stones. When you're down, look up at the stars and your troubles will seem distant. When you are up, beware, and be wise enough to know that change is on the horizon. Change is inevitable. The only thing that doesn't change is change itself. So...take head. Plant a garden, love your spouse, smell the aroma of a beautiful flower, do whatever it takes to enjoy life and all its wonders. Life isn't full of miracles. Life IS the miracle!!

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