Friday, January 11, 2008

Culinary Herbs

I haven't talked about herbs too much but besides the fruit and veggies I grow a variety of herbs in my backyard organic garden. They add flavor to every meal when used properly. The following herbs are almost everybody's favorites and once you harvest them from your garden you'll know why. All of them are easy to grow and almost impossible to kill.
Sage perks up chicken dishes. When I marinate chicken this herb goes into the mix.
Thyme draws bees. I toss some of this herb into my pasta dishes.
Oregano adds zip to all Italian meals.
Tarragon has a pleasant licorice aroma.
Chives propagate easily and when snipped into baked potatoes they wake up the spuds.
Basil is added to any dish using tomatoes. It's an annual so plant every spring.
Rosemary can't overwinter in Michigan so plants must be purchased every year.
Parsley gives my chicken barley soup an unbeatable aroma.
Coriander's leaves (cilantro) are famous in Mexican fare.
Summer savory has a light tangy flavor. I add a dash to my salads.
There you have my top ten herbs. Besides adding zing to food, most herbs help to keep your immune system functioning properly. Just a tad can make a huge difference.

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