Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Creating Reality

Peter Russell, writing in Ode Magazine, composed an article entitled, The Real Secret. In it, Russell cites the Nobel Prize winner, Werner Heisenberg's stance on reality. "Nothing in the real world actually changes, the only thing that changes is one's uncertainty of knowledge."
There is a sense in which you do create your own reality. You create your own experience of reality. Take for example your ability to see. Light enters the eyes, triggering nerve impulses that travel to the brain. There, these impulses are analyzed and put together into an image. You think you see the world but what you are seeing is a reconstruction of the world. The same applies to all your senses. In this way, you're creating your own perception of reality.
(Check out a copy of Ode Magazine. It's one of the great, new, positive-slanting mags.)

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